What is Endocrinology?
Endocrinology is the specialist branch of medicine that deals with the interplay of complex hormonal and associated metabolic disorders which exert remarkable influence on overall health and well-being of an individual.
What to expect at an appointment with an Endocrinologist?
A visit to the endocrinologist usually involves:
  • a detailed medical history
  • a thorough clinical examination related to the endocrine dysfunction being suspected and any other associated system
  • plan for any relevant blood and urine tests
  • plan any imaging tests - ultrasound/ CT scans/ MRI scans
  • an explanation of your management plan.
When should I see an Endocrinologist?
Some endocrine or hormone related problems can be diagnosed and managed by primary healthcare professionals (General Practitioners and their practicing colleagues). 

You can be reviewed by an Endocrinologist for an accurate diagnosis and a detailed treatment plan for your hormone-related problems. If your primary healthcare physician (GP or Practice nurse) has identified an endocrine / metabolic disorder in you, a review by an Endocrinologist can help to manage the disorder and its associated conditions, as these conditions are often chronic (lifelong), complex, and can affect multiple organ systems.

A visit to an Endocrinologist might be of benefit to you, as they are better familiar with your disease condition and up to speed on the drugs, medical advancements, and clinical studies in this medical specialty.
What do endocrine investigations involve?
Endocrine tests are designed to assess the structure and function of the endocrine gland which is in question.

Depending on which test you’re having, you may:
  • require a blood test at any time or at a particular time of the day. 
  • require a number of blood tests taken at regular intervals.  To make this easier, a cannula will be put in place first, and subsequent samples taken from there.
  • require an injection or a tablet or to drink a particular liquid to help facilitate the test.
  • have to ‘fast’ for a number of hours before the test. 
  • have to collect your urine - either over a 24-hour period or the first morning sample
  • have to collect your saliva.
  • undergo Ultrasound/CT scan/MRI scan/Radio-isotope scan of the endocrine organ being investigated.