
Thyroid disorders – overactive, under-active, and other challenging disorders of the thyroid gland. Adrenal gland disorders – Addison’s disease, Cushing’s syndrome, and other adrenal disorders. Testicular abnormalities including low testosterone levels, erectile dysfunction and others. Ovarian disorders including polycystic ovarian syndrome and menopause. Parathyroid gland dysfunction with calcium imbalance. Bone metabolic disorders including vitamin D deficiency and osteoporosis. Pituitary disorders. Salt (Sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, etc) and Electrolyte imbalance. Polyglandular autoimmune syndromes. Tests for endocrine gland structure and function.

Diabetes and other metabolic disorders

Reactive hypoglycaemia and other disorders of glucose metabolism. Weight management - for both overweight and underweight patients. Patients at risk of developing diabetes and prevention of diabetes. Diabetes mellitus - Type 1, Type 2, monogenic and secondary forms. Associated conditions with diabetes. Use of technology in blood glucose management - sensors, pumps, etc. Complications of diabetes - neuropathy, nephropathy, other microvascular complications of diabetes. Cardiovascular (heart attack, stroke and circulatory problems) risk management in patients with diabetes.

Cardiovascular, Metabolic and General Medical care

Essential and secondary hypertension. Lipid disorders including cholesterol and triglyceride disorders Cardiovascular (heart attack, stroke, circulatory problems) risk management. General medical conditions